Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Mardi Gras,

I love you.  I love, love, love, LOVE you.  You are a combination of multiple things that I love and am very good at: lots of time with friends, being loud, jumping up and down, enjoying yummy food, and laughing.  It doesn't hurt that the city pretty much shuts down and when I was teaching, we got 3 days off school.  I love the parades that start about a month in advance, with the last 2 weeks before being the busiest.  I love the joy there is in celebrating life during this season.  It's no surprise that I blogged about you here last year.

But this year... I have a confession to make.  I'm trying not to think about you much.  The truth is, I'm pretty devastated to be missing you this season, and I'm thinking it's a good thing I've been away from facebook this month- seeing friends post statuses and pictures might just make me spiral downward into homesickness.  I celebrated 5 beautiful years with you, and each year I thought, "I can't believe that everywhere else is just having a normal work day!"  This year, that's me.

Except I had to bring a little of you into my life.

Publix had these cute little king cakes for $5.  I'll admit it, I bought 3- one for me and Cori, one for my kids to try during snack tomorrow, and one for my Bible study on Thursday.  Cori thinks he'll get one for his coworkers, too.  (Wife fail = thinking about my work and Bible study and not Cori's.  Oops!)

Because Mardi Gras, people here just don't understand your beauty.  And while I understand I can never fully communicate to them how wonderful you are- and also that they will think I'm nuts if I start gushing about how much I love standing outside on the sidewalk for hours, shouting "Throw me something, Mister!"- I have to at least give them a taste.

I love you.  


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